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27th January 2025, 11:59
0pt0 - in you message on Saturday you had two of the items - how can you have lost one?

The three items are 27 cells in total and make an enclosed area between them of 22 cells
51 of 62  -   Report This Post


27th January 2025, 11:59
Thanks, HW7. I got 6d and 7d the wrong way round in my comment, but you worked that out. Sadly those two clues still elude me.

As you intimate, having 19a would help but that's another clue that looks like a straight forward anagram but isn't working for me. Perhaps I've got errors elsewhere. I'll persevere.
52 of 62  -   Report This Post


27th January 2025, 12:08
Use the informal version of ‘them’.

The clue, and the rest of the puzzle, will fall out.
53 of 62  -   Report This Post


27th January 2025, 12:35
Whistler - wordplay for 7D is 6-letter 'judge' confining a single letter 'independent'.
54 of 62  -   Report This Post


27th January 2025, 14:09
Thanks, all. Still none the wiser. You've confirmed my understanding of the clues, but I just can't make them work. Which generally means I've got something wrong elsewhere.

I'll set it to one side and come back to it later in the week. For now I need to focus on the slightly more pressing need to install a cattle crush.
55 of 62  -   Report This Post


27th January 2025, 15:24
whistler, Google may not be quite enough on its own for 7. You need to know not just what he was but something of what he most famously did. And there’s a word for that.
56 of 62  -   Report This Post


27th January 2025, 15:54
Whistler - 6D - 'judge' is a verb here, not a noun. You could try reading the entry for 'judge' in the BRB.
57 of 62  -   Report This Post


29th January 2025, 11:50
Many thanks to Granama 1 (@8), Hotelwhisky 7 (@50) and Candledave (@51). I had misinterpreted the preamble as requiring us to find three examples of the inanimate stuff (22 cells), surrounded by the animated things (27 cells). Having now completed the puzzle, I can see that the grid as a whole represents a single example of what I was looking for. Thanks again folks.
58 of 62  -   Report This Post


30th January 2025, 16:59
Thanks, Jbird54. I looked at this again this morning and just focusing on a verb did actually bring me to the correct conclusion. As I suspected, other errors were creating clashes which were holding me up. I swapped focus to the misprints and was able to identify my misconceptions from the speech. I find it particularly satisfying when the sum of the parts clears up the odd mystery.

Ive got the 3 forms but am not having much luck with the perimeter. I'm assuming I'm going clockwise and I'm looking for a quote. Any suggestions for a way in would be appreciated. It doesn't look like the remainder of the misprints speech?
59 of 62  -   Report This Post


30th January 2025, 17:07
You’re not looking for a quote - what did the quote you found say about the perimeter?
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