It seems to me that there is ambiguity as to the highlighting of the bottommost of the three forms. There is a choice of cells for the final letter. I guess the obvious one is correct as it's better for the final shape
Help appreciated with my last one, 2d. Can't decide if it has extra word or misprint.
Still missing one extra word.
Maybe it's in 3d as I can't parse, but have the answer.
Lumen, in 2d. Def is the last 4 words, with a misprint. It's an anagram.
In 3d. the last 6 words have a 3 letter synonym ( listed as a 4-letter word in Chambers)
As a newcomer to this forum I've been reading everyone's posts with interest. Nobody seems to have had any trouble with the one clue that has stymied me: 11 across. I'm only missing 2 letters (assuming that my crossing answers are right) and know what the misprint is, but just can't see it...