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24th January 2025, 15:48
The clues...
Requests for help should normally include the clue itself, the number of letters in the answer, and details of any you already have. Any additional information or special instructions, common in Listener puzzles, should also be included.
HINTS only, please, no answers.

The theme...
Help towards the theme may be sought here. The help given should be of a fairly gentle nature, just a nudge or pointer in the right direction - and certainly not anything that would spoil the puzzle for others. Any posts which, even inadvertently, reveal too much of the theme will be removed.

In general...
There are many regulars on the Listener threads, but newcomers are always welcome.
Unsolicited help of any kind will be removed.
The Listener is a unique puzzle and should be treated with respect.
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24th January 2025, 18:56
Enjoyed this - some happy memories (but, sadly, I think we now have the genius in place who will finish the job).
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24th January 2025, 19:41
A nicely constructed puzzle, enjoyable.
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25th January 2025, 06:30
A beautiful day here in Sydney, so I got to finish this a bit later than usual.

So great to go from the darkness of an empty NW corner, with all leads apparently exhausted, to the completed puzzle.

Good puzzle, though some of the clueing was extra sneaky and I haven't managed to parse 3D yet. It's a bit early to be giving people hints, so I am NOT seeking help. Not yet, anyway.
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25th January 2025, 13:28
Limped over the line with the grid fill, including the border. Some fiendish clues and misprints and incorrectly identifying one of the four extra words didn't help. Not got a scooby-doo on how 7d parses. Now got to find the three thematic forms.
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25th January 2025, 13:43
Fortunately the final highlighting didn't take long, and is very clever. Hats off to Degen for a terrific puzzle.
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25th January 2025, 15:39
I have filled the grid, including the border, but finding the three thematic forms is proving problematic. I have found a seven-letter word for enclosing, in a straight line and a ten-letter one can be found snaking it's way through the grid. That would leave a five letter word still to be found, unless there is some overlapping. As to how these could be "enclosed", I haven't a clue. More work required.
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25th January 2025, 16:15're looking for 27 letters enclosing 22 cells.
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25th January 2025, 17:18

7d: misprint is in the 2nd word with the first 2 words being the def. Egyptian mythology...
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25th January 2025, 18:53
Yes, very enjoyable.

Only very mild gripe is that one of the 'forms' is not in the same form as the other two.

But very good overall

Would never have parsed 7d but for the hint above.

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