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4th January 2025, 11:21
Rocky7 3 down is a very simple clue - O for old plus a word for something that writes, followed by a word meaning plot, to give you a very common expression for a type of office.

That will give you the first letter of 10a and if you have solved 10a correctly then just think of the most obvious antonym that starts with the same letter...
31 of 149  -   Report This Post


4th January 2025, 11:29
Thanks for the hints Jono!
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4th January 2025, 11:29
I think it's a shame to attack compilers for their ingenuity when they spend a lot of poorly-paid time working for our entertainment. I thought this was a fun solve - even allowing some reverse engineering at times because the antonyms were quite easy to arrive at. There are plenty of simple crosswords available, as well as some that are too difficult for me. I'm happy with the variety of level offered in this slot.
Thanks, Brummie.
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4th January 2025, 11:48
Today’s instructions are extremely offputting. I was tempted not to even start. But it does come together well as others have said and in the end wasn’t all that hard. Certainly a decent weekend challenge and very creative from the setter.
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4th January 2025, 11:53
Thanks, prospero, for saving me the trouble by putting so eloquently into words the thoughts that I was formulating. I would add that (and I think it’s implicit in what you have written) I cannot see that there is anything ‘unfair’ about this crossword. As you and others have demonstrated, there are several possible ways of tackling it, all requiring a modest amount of lateral thinking (which adds a bit of spice to the exercise). Very few of the non-12 have antonyms, so that immediately narrows the field considerably.
Before the Maskarade special just before Christmas, I was concerned that the Guardian Prize was becoming too easy (often much easier than some of the weekday offerings), so I’m pleased to have been presented with slightly more challenging fare over the last three weeks (though I can see why many might have felt that the Maskarade was a shock too far - I enjoyed it but the theme was very much to my taste). In fact last week’s jigsaw was still a lot more straightforward than still-lamented Araucaria’s.
If there is any criticism to be levelled at all, I suppose it might be of the crossword editor’s decision to run three ‘specials’ in a row. Brummie can’t be blamed for that, however, and I do think it a shame that his hard work should be greeted with such negativity.
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4th January 2025, 12:17
Unlike many here I’ve enjoyed this. Only 26d still to go. I think there are six across antonyms and six down, including 26, assuming I’ve got 30a right (I can’t see how ‘balance’ means what it has to mean if I am right) and it isn’t one.
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4th January 2025, 12:19
And as soon as I posted that I got 26d. The antonyms are divided equally between across and down clues. Still don’t understand what balance is doing in 30a though.
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4th January 2025, 12:22
Hi moonjets
Think of what’s left of a sum of money after you’ve spent some of it.
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4th January 2025, 12:22
I also think this is a fine crossword and perfectly within the acceptable range of difficulty. Moonjets, think of balance as a verb maybe? As in "to balance on".
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4th January 2025, 12:24
That's a better answer than mine!
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