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4th January 2025, 08:36
Took me about twice the usual solving time. Quite a work out. I did enjoy it though. Thanks to Brummie.
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4th January 2025, 08:58
I saw "Special Instructions" and didn't bother printing it out. I agree with CheshireJohn on these.
I did pick out a few of the composers in the Maskarade, but didn't take it any further. Having seen the fifteensquared blog, I'm relieved I didn't waste any more time on it.
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4th January 2025, 08:59
Jono - about twice the usual solving time for me too. Yesterday I did my first run since before Christmas, and I now feel that my brain has had a similar much-needed post-vegetating workout, which is why I (unlike a couple of others here) am particularly grateful to Brummie today. (And the crossword was far more enjoyable than the run in the freezing cold!)
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4th January 2025, 09:05
I'm fine with special instructions as long as I understand what they mean. But even if there weren't antonyms and instructions involved, this would still be tough for me. I'm thinking once I get a few more points on the board as it were it will start to come together.
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4th January 2025, 09:24
That was my experience, Rocky - after a sticky start there was a gradual acceleration as the grid yielded more clues of its own, and the antonyms became obvious. There are no obscurities among the antonyms, and a process of elimination will yield where their locations. Be encouraged, as my old tutor used to say!
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4th January 2025, 09:24
I am about half finished and have 9 of the 12 "special" solutions, my problem is not the special instructions, rather my inability to solve the remaining normal clues that is holding me back!

FOIs were 4d and 5d (both normal clues, quite easy), then 10a seemed an easy clue to solve, but it didn't fit my crossers, but a very obvious antonym did, so for anyone looking for a way in I would suggest looking at those.

Rather stuck now, can anyone offer any hints for 6d and/or 30a?
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4th January 2025, 09:25
I like crosswords in which I solve the clue and write the answer in. If there is any further mucking about required, I don't bother.
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4th January 2025, 09:31
Justsolve, 6d is an anagram and 30a is part anagram.
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4th January 2025, 09:39
Yep, totally agree with CheshireJohn and ChrisE, this type of convoluted crossword is a real turn-off for me, that makes 3 weeks without a proper Prize crossword, not impressed.
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4th January 2025, 09:40
So hang on a minute. Justsolve at 16 I think you are confirming my initial fears. 10a was my FOI and very straightforward but I can't get any of the down clues. What you're saying is I have to insert quite an obvious antonym that bears no relation to the clue!
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