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5th January 2025, 11:34
13A will be confirmed as an error, as I understand it. But it's not an echo. The error is that one letter in the answer is not clued in the wordplay. One (short) word in the clue is used in a very unusual way and the "echo" letters are meant to be there.
51 of 92  -   Report This Post


5th January 2025, 11:47
You seem to have the inside track, rhsl. Are you suggesting that the colour is actually a verbal anagrind, usually north of the border, and that if the last word was “water’d”, it might work?
52 of 92  -   Report This Post


5th January 2025, 13:46
I see what you mean, rhsl. In that case the echo is resolved but only if there is an unclued letter. And the short word is used in a very unusual way which I’ve not seen before but is fair according to chambers (7th definition).
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5th January 2025, 14:52
I've completed this , but don't understand the wordplay for 36a..."equivalent of 100 pesetas...". Could anyone help please ?
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5th January 2025, 14:58
....and the penny obvious...sorry...
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5th January 2025, 15:51
@SmellyHarry - I was late starting this one and am in a similar position now to your post yesterday afternoon - finding the clues are not giving much up at all and so only have a few scattered entries.

Does it get easier...??!
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5th January 2025, 20:38
Kindred2, hmm, I found it did get easier as I got going -gradually. Took a while to a) get on the wavelength of the setter and b) deal with the double clues and scanning around to find each one that I wanted to look at next. c) some of the clues seemed rather 'gritty' I thought*.
d) some of the misprints were devilishly hard to spot.

As I progressed something puzzling about some of the clues made me ponder - this came in handy in the end game. That was sorted quite quickly thanks to the puzzling aspect.

* One of the reasons for this becomes evident at the end when the underlying theme is revealed. Some of them are just plain difficult!
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5th January 2025, 21:04
Thanks to Rhsl for the update. It explains what I thought was a missing anagrind.
I've only just read through the clues again to appreciate the literary echoes.
Having clues where, say, 4 words lead to 1 letter, makes it more difficult to identify the "products".
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5th January 2025, 21:14
dodgepot at #52...

Yes, exactly.

Apologies for the slow reply, but time is different on this side of the world!
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5th January 2025, 21:29
Thanks granama1, I've made some progress and the uphill struggle seems to be flattening out a bit!!
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