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4th January 2025, 23:58
Yes, that looks like an error in 13A. It didn't affect me, because I had got everything and was just dotting i's and crossing t's.

Quite a tough puzzle to start the year. Satisfying to complete it.

Thanks, Priest.
41 of 92  -   Report This Post


5th January 2025, 04:35
Nice puzzle Priest! This was a nice challenge and a fun way so spend my free time over the last couple of days as I slowly unraveled clues.

I'll echo the hopes of others for the new regime to come with some modernization of entry methods. The Times subscription is already costly enough without having to pay for international postage on top of it...
42 of 92  -   Report This Post


5th January 2025, 06:12
1. Is “all but forgotten” a novel (and valid) indicator? In the relevant clue’s context, couldn’t it just as easily signify T (or N, E, R or S)? In other words, I believe some indication of position should be given.

2. I’m experiencing the same echo as others. I find it hard to believe that it’s an oversight, in a puzzle that is otherwise so intricately clued. I see no apparent alternative, though, other than error. Troubling right out of the gate!
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5th January 2025, 07:15
riversk, in my line of work that's the standard abbreviation for that word, and vice versa. I was surprised not to find it in Chambers. Perhaps Shane required the "all but forgotten" bit in his review?

And yes, the echo is troubling. Presumably again a result of editing?
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5th January 2025, 09:36
I still haven't got a clue as to what is going on. However, due to a VERY fluky googling of three words I now know the theme and the two characters in the grid. I am assuming that the 5th phrase is 4 words, 18 letters, but it seems a little cheeky submitting an entry due to a fluke rather than understanding why it is correct........

More grid/clue staring required methinks.
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5th January 2025, 09:55
Hear hear to whistler post 16, all v best. On submissions, not all are possible online, of course.
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5th January 2025, 10:22
I thought it was a fun, and fair, puzzle. The amount of thematic material included is impressive and the endgame is unambiguous. I too was puzzled by the echo but it seems to be an oversight, perhaps as a result of the editing process. I do have a loose end, which is that I cannot parse 36, so any hints would be appreciated.

All in all an excellent puzzle from Priest and a promising start to 2025.
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5th January 2025, 10:41
kitsune, re 36, the answer is in the clue.
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5th January 2025, 10:49
Thank you, gitto. Now I can enjoy my Sunday!
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5th January 2025, 10:58
I have managed to parse all the clues and piece together four of the key phrases - with 2 redundant extra letters. My final problem is understanding the order of the products. I am happy to have completed this, but did not enjoy doing so! Too much time spent looking for clue numbers time and time again, and if what I have done is correct, some of the non misprint clues border on being unfair - 14d being a fine example. I couldn't parse this without back engineering from knowing what I was looking for within (all) the clues.
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