Hi everyone
I really love alphabeticals and made quick progress on this one. Most of the clues are very easy. I still have one of the "E"s to get - the one with the snow, and have been foxed by the positioning of the the four letter words. I think I've got the non E words position now I've spotted the "going east", and I guess the clue to the E words is going up, but the word eludes me.
I can't parse the T word and had just got the R word before coming on here.
I was worried that I'd started to fill in the grid the wrong way round because it is so symetrical, but was relieved to fill in words that made sense. COD was K, and P
A pleasure after last week's prize, which I failed to continue as I'd little time to devote to it before Christmas. I realised that I usually get the definiton first and work out the parsing and I love it if I have the first letter like today. I did get some of the obscure composers, but couldn't be bothered with the rest.