Thanks Jono and Chris
I've managed to finish, though I have doubts about some.
I like many of you I thought 16d was decidely odd. It wasn't helped by me not knowing 20ac (I'm a vegetarian and not familiar with steaks).
I agree with Chris that a number of the clues were off - for example where does the G come from in 4d, I don't like the first three letters of 20ac for Bob. I'm not happy with the parsing for 22d. I didn't like 19ac - not a viper and kickbox needed splitting. It took me ages to see why my answer to 15d was right. On top of which I didn't know the theme! I think Soup, who is new to me, will become another of my bete noires.
My FOI was 21ac (thank goodness for all the anagrams), my LOI was 16d, though I'd thought of it earlier. My CODs were 18d (though what did "top of the net" have to do with it?)