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27th January 2024, 18:04
Finally got 19d, thanks Chrise & Brendan. Kept seeing it as a single word.
81 of 89  -   Report This Post


27th January 2024, 18:48
Hi Everyone

Started after lunch as usual and was initially thrown by new setter and went for a walk, but once I got a couple, I settled in and finished over an hour ago. It has just taken ages to read through the thread.
Lots of amusing and clever clueing. I still don't understand 8ac, though have followed the discussion. Even with the 1,7 split I don't see how it means the answer. I struggled with understanding 19d, so thanks for that explanation. I can't quite parse 11 ac though I'm sure my answer is right. I only got 10 etc after getting quite a few crossers.

I can't see any problem with 18ac. It all parses OK. I did want to put the usual latin tag in, but that would have messed up 15/23d, so I googled the alternative. I've never heard of 6d before, but it fitted the crossers and I googled it, then I worked out the parsing.

My FOI was 1d closely followed by 14ac . There were some lovely disguised anagrams.
LOI was 4d
Lots of favourites: 2d, 15/23d,16ac and 21ac. I can't choose one.
Thanks to Matilda for excellent crossword
82 of 89  -   Report This Post


27th January 2024, 18:53
Hi Roof,

18a - 2 letter "old" + 1 letter "film's beginning" + 3 letter "play a part" + 1 letter "love"

1a - the whole answer means "on the hunt" but to get that you need to split the wordplay 1,7 with the 7 being a synonym for "chatting"
83 of 89  -   Report This Post


27th January 2024, 18:56
Sorry Roof, I'm all over the shopt today - I see it was 11a you needed parsing...

11a - 1 letter "loud" + 5 letter "country" reversed/revolutionary + 4 letter "right-winger"
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27th January 2024, 20:36
Lovely piece of punctuatory misdirection, I thought.
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27th January 2024, 23:03
I did like 10 ..but also 20d as Im a sucker for a double def that makes me smile … son comes home every day and says the word but alas it eluded me for a while ….
86 of 89  -   Report This Post


27th January 2024, 23:59
Thanks Brendan

11ac I couldn't see the country - now I can.
87 of 89  -   Report This Post


28th January 2024, 06:48
Many thanks Jono re sorting 8 for me. It was driving me potty!!
88 of 89  -   Report This Post


28th January 2024, 15:31
Enjoyed Matilda’s first prize , at least I think it is a first, can’t recall any other. Although I was over complicating some clues which were easier than I thought —— example 2d which was FOI for many of you.
FOI 5/9d
LOI 18a
COD 15/23
I do remember the discussion about 21d in the Philistine puzzle because I thought the parsing was obvious and couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about!!
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