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14th March 2024, 19:08
Also, pi is transcendental.
141 of 371  -   Report This Post


15th March 2024, 11:58
I was glad that Simplesimon mentioned that was yesterday was “Pi Day” as I had never heard of it. What better way to celebrate it than a visit to the market café.

“I’m here for Pi Day” I told Cassie, but she rebuked me.

“As usual, you are wrong. Tuesday is Pie Day. That’s when Paul does his special. This week it was steak and kidney, and next week it is meat and potato.”

“No, I mean the other one, the 3.1415926536 one”

“I don’t know what you mean, but how do you remember those numbers”, she asked.

“How I like pizza, pineapple or tomato, bacon and cheese”, I replied.

“That’s irrational, you know quite well we don’t do pizza.”

“Yes it is irrational, but logical, and my way of remembering it.”

“Instead of wasting my time, are you going to order anything?”

I settled for beans-on–toast and a cup of tea.

“That’s £3.14…….” she said.

142 of 371  -   Report This Post


15th March 2024, 12:17

Your humour deserves a broader public.
I honestly think you should trawl through your cafe anecdotes, tidy up a couple, add a few more, and see if you don't have enough for a slim volume. The whole idea is very original.

A fan
143 of 371  -   Report This Post


15th March 2024, 12:29
Jigjag, I'm out for lunch (with nary a pie in sight), but I just wanted to thank you for the amusing anecdote. Gad to see Cassie is still fighting her corner, deflecting any and all nonsense - well, 'pi' is patently nonsense for many of us.
144 of 371  -   Report This Post


15th March 2024, 22:21
Thank you for the update from the cafe.
As we understand the site is somewhere up north, possibly Yorkshire, you might like to let Cassie know of the latest way the drug addicts there get a quicker fix, in case she observes such behaviour on her premises. Rather than smoking it, or injecting it, we understand they rub the drug inside the mouth.
It’s known as “ ee by gum”. We await her reaction.
145 of 371  -   Report This Post


16th March 2024, 11:36

It's very kind of you to suggest that, although I have no idea how to go about it. Glad you enjoy the anecdotes.


I hope you enjoyed your pi-free lunch. I have always been fascinated by pi and pies, but I know they are not to everyone's taste.
146 of 371  -   Report This Post


16th March 2024, 11:42
Here’s a curious fact, “pi day” is also Einstein’s birthday 🤔
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16th March 2024, 11:52

I enjoyed that, but I'm afraid there is no "ee by gum" here. I live on the Cheshire/North Wales border, so I hear a lot of Welsh and Scouse but little Yorks and Lancs, unfortunately. The cafe is in the market in the local town. I have not seen any drug addicts there, but I will warn Cassie of this latest practice. It reminds me of the time she told me about a customer who asked her for a glass of water so he could rinse his false teeth.
148 of 371  -   Report This Post


16th March 2024, 11:54

That's interesting. I must remember that.
149 of 371  -   Report This Post


16th March 2024, 12:09

I enjoyed reading about your visit on pi day. I think Geting is right, there must be a market for your stories. I suppose you need an agent. You might get a large advance.


I see you will be the new First Minister for Wales. Congratulations!
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