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16th March 2024, 12:59

Tell Cassie her teeth are like stars. If she smiles at this compliment, go on to add they come out at night.

True story, involving Cass and pies.
Where I worked in the ‘80s, our filing clerk was called Cass - never Cassie. We were both slightly overweight and resolved to get slimmer - Cass would diet, I would resume running.
This I duly did and, after about a week, as my times improved, I got back earlier than expected to find Cass, armed with a pack of mini pork pies, and her mouth completely wrapped around one, unable to speak. Priceless!
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16th March 2024, 14:27
I wish that someone would take the rugby commentators aside and coach them on how to pronounce "azzuri". I doubt that any of them would ever order a "piza"!
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18th March 2024, 12:08

Yes, I suppose your Cass wouldn't lose much weight with a lunch of mini pork pies every day. I might suggest to my Cassie that she puts one in her mouth when speaking to me.
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18th March 2024, 12:12

How strange that your comments on the theme of a crossword last week on another thread, although wrong, were actually appropriate to this week's puzzle.

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18th March 2024, 15:45
She’ll accommodate the pie more easily if she takes her teeth out first . Problem then arises as how exactly she consumes said pie. Don’t stand in her line of sight when, or if, she speaks to you.
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18th March 2024, 17:41

Yes what a co-incidence. I got this weeks theme by looking at the blank grid. I think a lot of people will do the same.
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24th March 2024, 16:13
Same moan as last time, but even worse. The woman commentating on women's Italy - England rugby obviously has "azzure" on a crib sheet in front of her, but is pronouncing it "azur" rather than "atzuray".
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3rd April 2024, 13:04
I called in at the market café, and was surprised to find Cassie studying the crockery.

“I’m glad you came, as I’ve made a great discovery. Look at this 7-inch plate. If I multiply that by the three-and-a–bit number of yours, it comes to 22 inches.” And she wrapped a tape-measure around the plate to prove it.

“It’s the same with any size plate” she said excitedly.

I smiled, but suggested that she wasn’t the first to discover the relationship.

“I’ve been reading about science” she continued. “Did you know that Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden when an apple fell and hit him on the head? Of course he couldn’t eat it, as it was covered in dirt, but it got him thinking, and it led to an amazing discovery.”

“Yes, gravity” I said.

“No. Apple-pie, one of the best discoveries ever.”
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4th April 2024, 12:30

I was delighted to learn how apple-pi was discovered. I have made a few discoveries of my own in the kitchen, sadly, when things have not turned out well.

Glad that Cassie is learning about science. I could never understand it, but hope to hear more.
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7th April 2024, 15:29
Did you hear about the pedant getting sick? He'd got Germain measles.
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