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16th September 2023, 17:42
Oh and one of my 10s ends in u. Feeling that is unlikely as well. I don't know where I've gone so wrong
81 of 123  -   Report This Post


16th September 2023, 17:45
only two of the 8s and 4s cross?
g isn't the third letter of the r
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16th September 2023, 17:46
neither 10 ends in u
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16th September 2023, 17:48
I suspected as much! Thanks, will start the grid again I think.
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16th September 2023, 17:52
I see what I did now, I was only looking at the down 8s and completely overlooked the acrosses. Facepalm - starting again. I think I just got a bit ahead of myself!
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16th September 2023, 18:26
I was so pleased to see an alphabetical jigsaw puzzle. I used to really enjoy Araucaria's. But at least I could solve his clues. I can see how to fit them in if only I could solve them. I think I need some hints. Getting K would help. I think the definiton must be manifold and I fancy it is something to do with mechanics, but I can't think of a suitable simile.
The long J is a mystery to me. I have the second letter of the long A, but can't parse the clue at all - what is the definition?
I may have one short 4 letter - the H. I've got the U , but not the S and the N. I need them to determing the across 5.
The hint on the T leads me to answer, but I can't see the tear.
I've got three of the 8s, but neither of the 10s.
I always enjoy putting them in the grid, but I need more answers. So help me please.
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16th September 2023, 18:28
Roof, the definition of K is "manifold" a sense related to darla's former nick of mathprofrockstar.
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16th September 2023, 18:30
Hi Roof
K is the three dimensional equivalent of a Mobius strip!

Which other ones would you like hints on?
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16th September 2023, 18:53
Hi Chris

Thanks for replying. Unfortunately, I've no idea what a three dimensional equivalent of a mobius strip is. I know what the latter is, but my maths isn't up to three dimensions.

Other clues for which a hint or more might help:
S - I can see the stink to be removed, but can't get the second sponge.
J - I'm at a loss. I thought the first word might be a man's first name, as I expected the definition to be a playwright.
B- I've found two Italian ports that would fit, but don't know the Italian for cheers.
N - I can't find an obscure word for fortification.
R - I've found a 6 letter cheese, but can't parse the rest.
I've failed to spot a long anagram anywhere.

The list goes on and on.
89 of 123  -   Report This Post


16th September 2023, 18:59
Hi roof. The J parses as 5 (setter, nothing to do with Paul) + 4 (spin) + 1 (male) + 5 (playwright - from 60s I think). Definition is old player.
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