I'm back after getting 9d and then powering ahead with filling in the grid. I agree with Mickey. You don't need to get a whole load before you can start and then it helps get others, but I did find it hard despite all the help I got. I had my dinner and then watched the Norwegian film on BBC 4 and finished off the last couple, though I haven't been able to parse C and V fully.
There are some answers I didn't like, eg F and some words I didn't know like K, S and X. And I learned the Italian for Cheers. Filling in the grid was a doddle, I started with the Q and the U.
My FOI was Z (a write in) closely followed by Q. My LOI P, which I only got after getting J. The penny finally dropped, after I realised as I was feeding my cat what the setter was. My COD amongst many I enjoyed when I finally got them was L.
I had some difficulty in finding time this afternoon to do the crossword as I had to plant my new Daphne into the pot my old Daphne was in (it had died). The BBC told me it was fairly unlikely to rain this pm, but that turned out not to be true. We got wet, as did my washing, I've some more plants to get in, but the forecast is dire for all of next week.