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28th February 2022, 20:59
The rules say “the wordplay” leads to an answer with an extra letter—does that apply to the definition in each clue as well? I’ve not solved any clues yet (I’m still a relative newcomer to cryptics and this is essentially my first Listener; strictly speaking last week’s was my first but of course it was numeric), and I’m wondering if the rules are implying that the definition and wordplay actually point to different valid words, separated by a single letter, or if they are unified.

Thanks for any tips!
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28th February 2022, 21:34
Hi Chris, I am no expert but the definition is the entry in the grid and the wordplay gives that entry plus an additional letter

For example in 7ac

Dubious is the definition

Muddled prospectuses missing out advantages (pros) leads to pectuses

So we are looking for a seven letter word from pectuses that means dubious. s*****t might fit..
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28th February 2022, 21:42
Thank you Jordan, that’s a huge help. I think I was overcomplicating the instructions.

(I have little expectation of finishing the puzzle but at least I’ll give it a shot!)
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28th February 2022, 22:28
Seeing as it's Monday, I'm going to wrap up this one. Unfortunately, while I have the grid filled, there are still two I can't parse: 2d and 18d. Hints appreciated.
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28th February 2022, 22:32

2d - 3 letter "depressed" minus extra letter + 3 letter "reprobate" (abbr.) - definition is "support" (I knew the word but not this definition)

18d - For "move 2 steps" think 'alphabet' - definition is "feet".
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28th February 2022, 22:48
... and the "reprobate" is reversed/'overturned'
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28th February 2022, 23:42
Ah. Thanks, brendan.
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28th February 2022, 23:51
Thanks MPRS, I think 2d is particularly difficult because, while the answer itself is obviously in all dictionaries, not all of them state that it can be a "support".
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1st March 2022, 10:26
I agree with everything already said about this puzzle.....EXCEPT that no-one seems to have any query about the spelling of "one of the seven". The source of the quotation gives the word as ending in OS. However, the appearance in the grid ends in UM. Is there any logical reason for this? I know that the spelling could be either but it seems strange that everything else is exactly as expected from the source except for this. Any thoughts?
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jack aubrey

1st March 2022, 10:44
My understanding is that OS is the modern form and that UM or ON are the historic forms.
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