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27th September 2020, 03:25
Can I check I'm on the right path...

Do the 28 cells relate to a water landmark and do the moved letters spell out the name of a children's rhyme? Also, is the event related to the number of the crossword?
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27th September 2020, 08:39
Hi Brendan, you're correct about the water landmark and the event being related to the number of the crossword. So you're on the right track.

The moved letters don't seem to spell anything. I wondered about the children's song too, and the letters of its name appear randomly among the moved letters, along with others which won't belong in the song at all (K and Y for example).

I'm still unsure of exactly which 44 cells need to be outlined. There aren't enough moved letters to make 44 cells. But if you outline all the modified answers (including cells which don't move), there are too many cells.
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27th September 2020, 08:45
Brendan, that's how it looks to me and the next word of the rhyme may well relate to the beginning of the event. Still struggling with the second row though. Also not sure about 'a line of 7 empty cells' when I have two such orphans on the penultimate line.....and the penny drops. Amazing isn't it!
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27th September 2020, 08:52
Apologies Brendan, I misread your post as referring to the moved letters in the grid. The moved letters in the down clues certainly do spell a children's song and the third word of the song is relevant, as Granama1 says.

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27th September 2020, 09:16
Loge, the 5th word is also (supposedly) relevant I imagine.
I'd appreciate hints for 12a and 10d if anyone can assist.
Interesting that the 7 blanks, when filled, give 6 new words.
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27th September 2020, 09:20
The 5th word in the rhyme is the other significant point (but harder to track down on the net - try it with a Y spelling).
The problem with the shading is that it's a very rough approximation of the event, from what I can find on the net, but the entries make it what it is.
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27th September 2020, 09:24's important to only make 6 new words because a 7th would lead you astray.
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27th September 2020, 09:28
12a is the abbreviation - an anag.
10 The first word becomes a city with a very odd spelling (move an 'r').
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27th September 2020, 09:37
If you're still there, Drxx (or anyone else who's done this) I'd appreciate a hint on the exact outlining of the 44 cells. Then I'll shut up - I've dominated this thread far too much already.
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27th September 2020, 09:46
I've gone for the letters that change at the edges, loge. Starting 2nd row - the middle 3 of 12ac, next row - all but the first 2 of 14a and all but the last of 15ac, the next three rows make a regular rectangle.
You're right about some letters being in their correct places internally but the preamble states 'no gaps', so I've ignored those.
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