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27th July 2020, 07:54
I have the answer to 38dn but can’t see how the answer works. The definition must be the first word.
71 of 143  -   Report This Post


27th July 2020, 07:55
Sorry I meant 36dn.
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27th July 2020, 08:11
36: First word is the def as you say, in the sense of something very easy. It's formed by taking a word for "rolling" (in the adjectival sense, think eyes) and replacing all three Gs with Ds.
73 of 143  -   Report This Post


27th July 2020, 08:16
Thank you loge. I have finally finished the clues and now just have the code to work out.
74 of 143  -   Report This Post


27th July 2020, 10:34
Could someone kindly help with my last clue....39 across?
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27th July 2020, 10:59
The definition is the last two words. There is hollow AIR in GREAT and an extra letter.

I have a grid fill but am not happy with 27. I can only see one 6 letter likely answer which fits the first two words. The third word is removed but then I have the final word, and I cannot make sense of that.
76 of 143  -   Report This Post


27th July 2020, 11:00
39a Grand = MEGA, hollow air = AR. There's an extra letter O in there, the second word is superfluous and the definition is the last two words.

I've completed the grid; I need to crack the code (I think) although the whole title fits nicely. I thought the last six letters refer to the title but that doesn't seem to lead to anywhere.
77 of 143  -   Report This Post


27th July 2020, 11:13
Thanks orson and foinaven. I had a "G" as first letter of 40 down making 39 unsolvable...doh!
@foinaven 27 is a four letter word with an "M" added. It is a triple definition and 3rd word is redundant.
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27th July 2020, 11:13
Foinaven, 27 is a triple definition (I think).
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27th July 2020, 11:53
Thanks - I had a six letter word meaning BEAT. It turns out that BEAT is the rare meaning!

I have an ambiguity in th the letters omitted from 43 and 44, which is resolved, it seems, by the sixth word of the message. I would like the missing letter in 44 to be N, but my answer to that does not contain an N and it is somewhat vulgar. So everything fits nicely apart from this problem
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