Like several other posters I am in awe of those who managed to solve this monster unaided, and I would have given up but for their helpful hints. Thanks to all concerned.
I have just cracked the code and acknowledge that it is stupendously brilliant. I can now see why the grid had to have so many complications and unfamiliar combinations of letters to make it work. But surely that doesn’t justify the obscurities deliberately introduced into the clues.
I’ve forgotten who said and in which thread that an obscure answer should not be clued by means of another obscure word. This should be an established principle for all setters and editors, in my opinion. Obscure answer, straightforward clue. Call it the Principle of Compensation if you like.
And what goes for individual clues goes for the puzzle as a whole. A complex theme, such as this one, should have accessible clues, so that a good proportion of solvers can get to grips with it. We should not have people saying that they have not enjoyed their efforts at solving crosswords. What are they for?!