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24th July 2020, 16:01
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24th July 2020, 18:00
Cancel all social engagements for the week and prepare for 15 hours of pian - it's a Sabre.
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24th July 2020, 18:56
I won’t get to tackle this until tomorrow, but have had a cursory look at it. I predict that this thread will be a long one...
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25th July 2020, 02:28
You're not wrong Smellyharry, it's a beast. As if the puzzle itself wasn't tough enough, there's the endgame. That said at least once that part is understood it serves as a good cross-check of certain areas of the grid, highlighting the fact that I had one of my entries slightly wrong.

A magnificent puzzle by Sabre, a veritable work of art.
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25th July 2020, 09:59
As with last week's wonderful radial puzzle, I don't wish to start something that takes up an inordinate slice of my life. So, may I ask if the additions and removals are checked?
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25th July 2020, 10:05
Any hint for 23a would help me a lot. Do I want ZA around something?
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25th July 2020, 10:26
Presumably all entries are non-words then? (Unless just by luck!)
And the word play is normal? Not relating to the grid entries, as is usual for extra letter/removed letter clues?
I think the preamble is pretty mean. He left out 'don't bother trying, go straight to the i or the Guardian today'.
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25th July 2020, 10:51
Solved it just after I posted
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25th July 2020, 12:54
Lumen - correct, all entries are non-words barring luck. Word play is normal, other than the extra word to be determined and removed.

I can only go by my experience, and that is that having cold solved not too many (probably 10 or so) I started to spot the features that the omitted words spelled out, which are all of a thematic kind, which in turn helped solve more by knowing which other words were extras.

The entries which are a letter too long for their space are the most helpful, as when they intersect they give you a way in. It is tough but not impossible and dogged determination got me there eventually, whether you decide it isn't worth bothering is down to you. Personally I hate being beaten and have time in abundance. Good luck!
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