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25th July 2020, 14:48
S Pugh is correct that the puzzle isn't impossible, but I share Lumen's concern about normal wordplay rather than wordplay indicating the grid entries. The grid gives minimal feedback and with clues as obstinate as this, I found the solving process like peeling off a stubborn sticky label. I'm all for having some hard puzzles - that's what the Listener is for - but I like them to be enjoyable too. The endgame was clever and reasonable straightforward, but I'm not sure it was worth the joyless slog it took to get there.

I hope this appeals to others more than it did to me.
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25th July 2020, 14:58
Thanks. loge. Last week's puzzle was tough but also enjoyable, and I was delighted that I dug into reach the finish line. I am finding this one tough but not particularly enjoyable. Not sure that I will persevere thanks to some comments here
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25th July 2020, 16:18
I have all but one of the selfie features, but not finding them hugely helpful.I have a good fraction of the SE corner done, but very sporadic progress elsewhere.
1ac and 15ac might give me a nudge in the right direction, thanks
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25th July 2020, 16:30
1 across: Last three words are the def. The wordplay is synonyms for A (3 letters) and summons (6 letters) around N, + S(topping) Fourth letter of the word is omitted in the grid

15: First two words are the def. Think a synonym of PER for A with insertion of single letter abbrev for queen and E Fourth letter of the entry is an extra letter

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25th July 2020, 16:48
2 hours in and have cold solved 7 clues and have 2 letters in the grid. On the verge of giving up - I did vow never to attempt another Sabre and should probably have stuck with that.

Might have one final go if someone can point to a handful of solvable clues in the same area that might give me a way into the grid? Just looking for a recommendation as to where to concentrate my efforts rather than any help with any individual clues at this stage.

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25th July 2020, 17:09
Slow progress. Would I be correct in thinking 8d parsing is S + 4 letter word for fish, second word of the clue is removed?
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25th July 2020, 17:30
I think the def for 8d is the first word and the extra is the last.
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25th July 2020, 17:32
Smellyharry... I’ve been close to giving up too. But have had a bit of success in the last hour. The northwest corner is my only completely filled quadrant so I’d recommend focussing there.
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25th July 2020, 17:53
Thanks Loge for that. I now have 1ac, but sadly your hint for 15ac wasn't sufficient!
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25th July 2020, 18:07
Thanks Merenz. Focus there has yielded one more answer and I think I may now have the first selfie item, which should hopefully help me get a couple more acrosses. And its nearly g & t time.
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