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20th July 2020, 09:08
I have two radials left to crack, and as I’ve spent many hours on this now, a nudge would be great.
They are 6; safe land across river, and 16; union of cells (containing a G and an M!?)
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20th July 2020, 09:23
Sorry if we get a double post. The site says I posted at 9.08 but there is no sign of it....
I was asking for help with radials 6 and 16 to finish. Thanks.
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20th July 2020, 09:53
Lumen, 6. Def. is 'safe'.
'land', as a bird would, around an abb. for 'river'

16. Def is first 4 words.
If something has surface bubbles, it 'is ?????', minus abb. for Fluorine.
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20th July 2020, 10:15
Thanks mattrom, I have 16 now, I was sure it ended 'sis' or 'is'.
Thinking more on 6.
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20th July 2020, 10:18
I have 6 too now. Again, wrong direction of thought, I was thinking of a land, ie a country.
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20th July 2020, 10:46
Thanks to this thread I have found the book, film and quotes. Now I am finding too many clues too difficult to make me want to persevere to the end. I fully appreciate that the Listener should occasionally throw in a difficult puzzle but the combination of missing letters and different starting points for the inward radials makes it all a step too far.

Others will I know disagree. However there are setters looking at this site so I would suggest that a good crossword sucks you in and makes you want to keep going.

My appreciation to all those who helped.
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20th July 2020, 13:17
Well, I agree with you, williamseal - and you're right, others will not (there's been a lot of discussion on this subject over the years!).

With this puzzle you were at a distinct disadvantage without some kind of anagram 'machine' - Chambers Word Wizard is a very basic one, you've got to have all of the letters you need for an anagram (but if you're missing just one, you can run through the alphabet until you hit on it) or you can get the basic shape of a word and it will fill in the gaps - so you look for a likely prefix/suffix to get you started. I think good clueing should dispense with their use altogether (with a check through Chambers once you've filled the grid).

However, it's not just the Listener puzzles - it took me over two hours to finish Azed this week and I was sorely tempted to use the ...Wizard for the last few entries. That was a rare Azed (this a less rare Listener) and perhaps we need to be pushed from time to time, but it's rarely a pleasant experience.
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20th July 2020, 14:04
I’m making painfully slow progress in solving the radials. Any hints for 1, 11, 23, & 32 would be much appreciated.
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20th July 2020, 14:24
1- 'chimney-pot' is headwear (1st letter of answer dropped).
11 - if you use the English word for 'pergola' after the 'h' you'll get the full answer (def shelter).
23 - 'silence' as in kill (Croatia is HR).
32 - 2 letters for 'princess' + 2 for 'in due course' + 2 for 'note'.
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20th July 2020, 14:57
Many thanks drxx
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