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23rd July 2020, 09:39
An interesting discussion. There are a range of “aids” that can be used starting with a hard copy of TCD. Surely that is OK. The on line TCD has some basic word finding facilities and there are lots of specialist on line tools. Then there is this forum. At one time an ex member of this forum posted completed puzzles on Facebook early in the week. Not sure if he/she still does.
Which if any of these you use to complete the puzzle for your own entertainment is a matter of personal choice.
Which you use if you submit for a prize is a matter of conscience. My feeling is to stick with TCD if submitting.
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23rd July 2020, 11:28
Anyone still here? Even with most of the letters I can’t find answers for 2 and 9. Earlier hint for 2 didn’t help.
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23rd July 2020, 11:49
2: Try a search for Stizostedion canadense [i/] and you should find what you're looking for. The A is missed out in the entry.

9: Abbrev. for adult (as in old film certificate + REFUND with interior letters removed + common word for a long time. There's a Y missing from the wordplay/entry
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23rd July 2020, 11:50
Messed up on the italics, sorry!
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23rd July 2020, 13:31
Thanks Loge. I had that answer for 9 but wasn't convinced it was right. Now I can tackle several days of postponed washing-up!
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23rd July 2020, 18:15
Have picked this up and put it down so many times this week and have finally ground to a halt on radials 13,14 and 15. Any assistance will be appreciated.
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23rd July 2020, 18:30
13 - swap one letter for another in the first word, missing letter v.
14 french fringe is defn. Anagram of stir in the usual 2 letter newspaper with a couple of missing e's
15 relating to a particular cow. First three letters mean fated to die ( I hadn't come across this before), last three the usual three for so.
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23rd July 2020, 18:54
Thanx Harry. That means I had 13 and 15 correct [without knowing why] - on to 14 and hoping to put it away for the last time.
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24th July 2020, 15:43
I am new to responding to the forum but am really frustrated. With the exception of one radial answer, I have completed the puzzle, know the book and its author and have properly identified the two quotations from the character in the book/film. However, I cannot for the life of me work out the full answer to 25, despite knowing 4 of the letters and the two discarded letters. Please help!
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24th July 2020, 15:53
In my completed version the to be discarded pair were the last two letters of the 8 letter solution.
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