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25th June 2020, 11:12
Spoffy, you've said pretty much what I was going to. I wouldn't dismiss Glasgow's suggestion out of hand, as it may well be the only way to save the puzzles if the Telegraph refuses to relent. But the one problem I can foresee is one of financial viability. Would such a set-up get enough subscriptions to pay setters and editor what they deserve, even if there was no prize? Existing EV fans may well sign up, but I don't think it would attract many new solvers. Rightly or wrongly, a lot of people see the backing of a major newspaper as a guarantee of quality, and would be reluctant to subscribe to crosswords which would be (for them) an unknown source. Also I wonder how many setters, especially new ones, would be willing to put in the considerable amount of work these puzzles require if publication doesn't have the circulation and cachet of a national newspaper.

I don't know the answers to this and if we have to go down this route, it would be better than nothing. But let's hope it's not necessary!
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25th June 2020, 11:22
glasgow - I prefer my crosswords attached to a newspaper and before I do the crossword I'll scan the pages for articles I'll read after the puzzle's done. The 'distancing' measures I've put in place mean I now spend much less time in newsagents but I hope to get back to my normal routine some day.

I think there's a real advantage to be got from reading opposing views in newspapers of varying hues - I'm used to having The Times, 'i', Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph and Observer in-house every week of the year. Online news is a poor substitute for the real thing and crossword magazines are too niche for my liking - the crossword was invented to sell newspapers, and I believe it still works that way (I hope the Telegraph doesn't realise it too late).
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25th June 2020, 11:25
So, there can only be one type of wheel? The Magpie already exists as a subscription model for thematic puzzles, therefore no others can occupy that space?!

Don't get me wrong, I love the EV and hope that it does continue in whatever is the easiest way for that to happen. If that's in The Telegraph, great, take my money. But if they do decide to can it as it seems they clearly want to, are people just going to say "oh well", mourn its passing and accept that the available market for these puzzles is shrinking, or would they be interested in seeing if there's another way of keeping it going in some form or other? Yes, let's petition the Telegraph, but I do think it's also worth thinking about other options now too.
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25th June 2020, 11:44
Great news - the EV has been saved and will be published 'for the foreseeable future'.
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25th June 2020, 11:44
Well, it's all moot now anyway. EV has been saved. Woop!
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25th June 2020, 11:46
I've just had a reply from Chris Lancaster to the same effect. Fantastic news!
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25th June 2020, 11:49
Great news.
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25th June 2020, 12:01 looks like Chris Lancaster is taking the trouble to reply to us all individually. I'm impressed!
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25th June 2020, 12:06
Power to the people, right on! Next, let's turn our attention to getting Fawlty Towers up and running again, shall we?
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25th June 2020, 12:24
Brilliant news. Many thanks to everybody who supported the cause.
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