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24th June 2020, 00:33
I think the average for an Azed is close to 10, granama1 (that's over the last year) so there's clearly a huge disparity over there on 15squared.
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24th June 2020, 06:43
Loge, who the right person is to contact is the big question. I should imagine, as has been said elsewhere, that Steve Bartlett - the recently appointed EV editor -is fighting his corner so the next step up is Chris Lancaster. Unless anybody can suggest another name - Spoffy, can you help there please? - I intend writing to him. At the same time I will send a copy of the letter to the Telegraph marked 'for the attention of Nick Hugh C.E.O. On the thread started by Cockie on EV 1440 Buddy @14 suggests that the EV is to be replaced by a Toughie so it certainly is not a case of saving money on a prize. For me the idea of two normal cryptics as prize competitions is a non-starter.
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24th June 2020, 08:10
Add me to the "save" list please..
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24th June 2020, 10:35
As I don't live in the UK I was hoping to email my protest about the EV's discontinuation. I have spent 30 minutes going round in circles on their site trying to find a relevant email address, and in the end I tried phoning only to get a recorded message telling me that all their phones are closed due to the coronavirus!

I did manage to find this address on the puzzles page: I'll try that one and report back if I get a response.

Don't hold your breath...
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24th June 2020, 10:48
alwayspuzzled@32 - I'm now trying to confirm the best point of electronic 'contact'
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24th June 2020, 10:55
Like you Loge I have been chasing my tail trying o find a suitable address. Spoffy, thank you for your help on this.
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24th June 2020, 10:59
I'll have something for you in the next couple of hours.
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24th June 2020, 11:36
I'm getting the impression that the situation is bad, but all is not yet lost and no-one has given up hope. I think that the biggest single issue is how the Telegraph makes use of the space on its puzzles page to 'best' (ie attracting most readers) effect.

The contact for complaints about the intended cancellation of the EV is the Telegraph Puzzles Editor, Chris Lancaster, email It seems to me that perceived popularity of the EV is a key factor in the decision, which as a former EV Editor Chris will not have taken lightly, so 'I tackle the EV every week' is good, but 'I tackle the EV every week but never submit' is (if true!!) even better. The fact (again, if true) that you subscribe or buy the paper only for the EV is also important.

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24th June 2020, 11:49

I have cancelled my sub and told them why. But I will now email as you said.
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24th June 2020, 12:52
Thanks for that Spoffy. Email duly written.

I've put a piece on my site (Alberich Crosswords) to spread the word. I've used some of the info you and others have provided - I hope that's OK!
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