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2nd May 2020, 08:10
Good morning

I’m getting nowhere with 1a? I have a lot of the answers at the top but no luck so far.

Can someone help please.
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2nd May 2020, 08:13
4 letter word for "pain" + a 4 letter word for "GP (sort of)" (think motor sport) reversed both inside a 3 letter word for "test" - definition is "operation".
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2nd May 2020, 08:24
Thanks a bunch.
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2nd May 2020, 09:26
Just starting to tentatively put some answers in the grid. Can I assume that all answers crossing a dotted area leave a gap in that position? If so, not sure why row 3 has 1 bar, unless of course I'm going wrong. Clarification without spoilers would be very much appreciated, thanks.
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2nd May 2020, 10:16
simond9x, that makes no sense to me either. I think I have most of the top fitting together (thanks to the help above on 1a) and I have two answers and a blank in row 3.
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2nd May 2020, 11:00
I want to put a bar under each of the first 4 letters in column 2 since I don't think they start any down entries. But there are only 3 bars in this column so I am wrong. Which letter (1, 2, 3 or 4) in column 2 starts a down entry?
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2nd May 2020, 11:56
Thanks very much, again, Tatters. It's really good that you are doing this while many of us are self-isolating.
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2nd May 2020, 12:03
bananabean, i understood the last part of the instruction to mean that 1d is written partly in col 1 and partly in col 2, starting from the top row each time. I dont know if that is right as I have not solved the clue.
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2nd May 2020, 12:07
I have just finished filling the grid and will leave the end game for later - but for 1d I have one word starting at the top of column 1 and a second word slightly lower in column 2.
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2nd May 2020, 12:09
Yes I just figured that out :facepalm:
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