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4th April 2020, 15:43
AH, thanks Malone. I had put in an H rather than a P as the second letter of 3 down which made 11ac - er - more interesting!
21 of 64  -   Report This Post


4th April 2020, 15:48
Blacksaint, glad I could help. I'm not surprised you couldn't parse your original answer!
22 of 64  -   Report This Post


4th April 2020, 16:14
I feel that the name needs to be included in the shading so as to better represent the object and to allow the other three items to be in the correct locations and not alongside the main object. Sorry for the tortuous prose but I don’t want to give away too much.
23 of 64  -   Report This Post


4th April 2020, 17:46
I agree, Phil.

I finished a while ago but was just mulling over why there was a connection between the various parts of the solution. Googled it - I'd never heard the expression before. It ties the name and all the other thematic stuff together. Very satisfying.
24 of 64  -   Report This Post


4th April 2020, 23:49
Re #23 and 24. I pondered this for a while and decided not to include the name in the shading. Might be wrong though.
These are strange times and I am learning to use video conferencing. It occurred to me that it might be fun for a group of people to work together in real time on an archived puzzle using a platform such as Zoom.
Half a dozen of us should be able to crack most Listeners within an hour or so if we work together. Please contact me ( if you would like to explore this idea further.
25 of 64  -   Report This Post


5th April 2020, 08:15
I'd be very surprised if the name is to be excluded from the shading. As has already been pointed out, that would place the three thematic objects outside the thematic area. It would also give the themaitic area totally unrealistic proportions. As it is the proportions don't look quite right to me (possibly an inevitable result of grid constraints, so I'm not criticising), but excluding the name would make them worse.
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5th April 2020, 08:34
I'm still with the non-name-shaders. We're asked to use the "the conventional colour" and that colour doesn't apply to that particular area of the object concerned - although thematically and aesthetically it might make more sense. Perhaps either versions will be accepted? The preamble mentions nothing about shading the name.
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5th April 2020, 09:49
The only ambiguity in this puzzle is whether to shade the boundary - that is, the name. The rubric says we 'shade an area bounded by the name' but that can be taken in two ways: as shade 'an area bounded by the name' or 'shade an area' bounded by the name.

However, we also need to treat the 'three additional items', they must be ON is shaded, so I can't see any alternative to including the name in the shading. It also makes the proportions much more sensible.

For the three extra items, it would clearly be sensible to shade the part of the cell outside the letter, since that makes more sense in context. But they cannot mark this right or wrong, surely.
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5th April 2020, 09:51
ON whatever is shaded
(Pity you cannot edit your own post for typos)
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5th April 2020, 09:52
Aspria, so are the three objects resting on the resting on the side of the object? Not really a likelt scenario.

There is no breach of the preamble to include the name. 'To bound' = "to form the boundary of" (Chambers).
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