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21st March 2020, 23:19
I mean the characters in the film, on the far left & far right of the grid (who will eventually cross to their opposite sides... but not yet (at least that's my understanding of the plot, having scanned [very briefly, I admit] the synopsis.)

I think you've finished it brendan!
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21st March 2020, 23:21
Thank you, brendan - I think I've got a bit more faith in the endgame myself now (I had a few doubts earlier on).
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21st March 2020, 23:23
,.. sometimes it's nice to get a chance to 'talk' these things through.
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21st March 2020, 23:28
Most definitely. I know I can become quite obsessive about puzzles in general which, on the whole, is a good thing but can be a pain for others!

Thankfully you, along with Malone and others, saw me through to the end.

Much appreciated.
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21st March 2020, 23:34
On a lighter note - I don't know if you've seen the film, but it really is very good. It also stars Tom Hanks who, along with his wife, has tested positive for COVID 19 and is 'self isolating' - a phrase, alas. we're all becoming very familiar with.
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21st March 2020, 23:37
...still, I might as well mention my major reservation with this interpretation - it doesn't resolve in a complete way (which isn't how crossword endgames normally end, so a fuller understanding of the 'guard wall' just might reverse it all...).
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21st March 2020, 23:47
Thanks, brendan - I'll do that (and then I should know how this puzzle ends!).
I didn't know Tom Hanks and his wife were battling the virus, I wish them both well (and you too). We're all going through a very worrying time.
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22nd March 2020, 10:05
T Hanks for the help everybody. I'd been puzzled by the title but the last few posts have explained it.
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22nd March 2020, 10:57
Hi, battling away here and wouldn't have had a clue without the generous input here. Still cold solving so if anyone can point me in the right direction for 'Towns springing up quickly affected society' and 'Box containing last of ointment' I'd be v grateful. (I have an idea for the first but can't quite make it fit the clue).
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22nd March 2020, 11:12
5 letter synonym for box with E inside...defn ointment
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