These actors are proving troublesome. Is there a hidden indication (title, preamble ... ?) of who they might be? There must be thousands of possible names, and with precious few letters to go on (assuming real words, as suggested earlier) there's nowhere to grab hold.
I've got the same first 2 letters, Orson but the 4th letter must make a 2 letter word with 'T' (as the next 2 are L and V) which suggests it's a vowel - but I just can't think of anyone with that first name.
When the actors names are written in, are you still able to read real words from left to right? Only I've got an actor that fits in the LHS but the fourth letter of his first name would mean I'd have KTLV?
The name beginning AU is an old make of car, brendan. I guessed that some time ago but googling didn't help. But ST must share a single cell and those same two letters share a cell again. So the surname begins ST...