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21st March 2020, 18:08
I have now solved about half the clues.

Hints on:

They depend on trees in Scotland, all meant to be replaced (6)

Adulatory greeting means rage is briefly set aside (3)

Use toe, kicking open the door for departure (6, 2 words)

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21st March 2020, 18:16
Hi Sunray,

For the bottom clue of 2 words, I've got it as an anagram of a phrase meaning "open the door for departure".
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21st March 2020, 18:16
That's a relief (thanks gabrielc).
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21st March 2020, 18:18
Sorry, I worded that badly. I meant it's an anagram of 2 words in the clue and the definition is "open the door....."
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21st March 2020, 18:20
1 letter for 'all' (Scots) + anag 'meant' (= things that hang from trees).

4 letter word meaning 'mean(s)' minus 'rage'
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21st March 2020, 18:21
...sorry, that's 7 letters minus 'rage' leaving 4 for the answer.
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21st March 2020, 18:23
...dear me! 3 letters for the answer!!
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21st March 2020, 18:32
Thank you brendan and drxx.

Mean would have gotten me there sooner. Means complicated things.

brendan, on another note, syzygy has just posted WSJ puzzle.
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21st March 2020, 18:47
Thanks Sunray, I'll stick with this for the moment and 'hopefully'! start on the WSJ tomorrow.

I've started to make steady progress and even got a few of the answers entered in the grid. Would appreciate hints (big ones) for these 2 - I know they begin with 'A'..

One of several organic compounds before a meal and elsewhere

Bent back without water losing pressure


Animal at local farm was conscious of being beheaded

I've got a 3 letter word meaning a 'juvenile newt' and if you remove it's last letter from newt it could mean "was conscious" - but the clue says "beheaded" and I've lopped off it's bottom and also I'm not sure it's an 'animal' - any thoughts or am I completely wrong?
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21st March 2020, 18:50
I presume the orientation is determined by the locations of the two characters at the start of the film?
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