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14th March 2020, 14:18
I thought this was great.

The key PDM - hopefully not spoiling it for anyone - is to realise that a single symbol can have different meanings, which don’t have to be consistent between across and down.

So a horizontal line - or any other symbol - can represent different letters whether A or D.
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14th March 2020, 14:31
I am baffled by cell numbered 36, in that the symbol which should be entered for its across entry conflicts with the letter which should be entered for its down entry. Also, I assume a similar symbol goes in cell numbered 31?
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14th March 2020, 15:32
Hi son1ofrover114th

As per previous, a single ASCII-esque symbol can map to different letters/answers.

I was certain 36A HAD to start with an N or No, until, of course, it didn’t...

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14th March 2020, 15:43
Many thanks quisling, got it; led astray by 36D....
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14th March 2020, 17:05
I have finished but am slightly suspicious of the symbol in 19. I've gone for a symbol of gender in the middle cell. Am I right?
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14th March 2020, 17:29
Ukridge - just three letters. The last letter represents its sound.
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14th March 2020, 17:50
Any chance of a clue on 30d, please? French verse in present for early reader (6). I have the second of the two cells.

Also, parsing for the last three letters of 25d as ‘waves shortly’. The only word I can think of that means ‘waves’ is 9 letters, so to cut this to 3 with ‘shortly’ seems quite a stretch?
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14th March 2020, 18:25
30D - abbrev for 'present' around french word for 'verse,poem etc' can't be more specific without giving almost the answer...
25d 4 letters for a kind of show followed by waves (heraldry) shortened
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14th March 2020, 18:39
Thank you, crates - that’s done the job. I’m still slightly unhappy with the ‘waves’, as it looks like it’s only given as an adjective ‘wavy’ in the dictionary, but it’s clearly the answer.
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14th March 2020, 19:01
Fun puzzle! But help needed please for 16a and 38a and d.
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