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14th March 2020, 10:29

I’m having trouble with the interconnection of 36a and 39d

I was thinking a Biblical answer beginning with N for 36d but 39a seems to be a word beginning with s?

Am I on the wrong track?

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14th March 2020, 10:35
Penny has dropped after googling.
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14th March 2020, 11:28
Should a letter or numeral be used in 8d and what does the first letter in 10d represent?
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14th March 2020, 12:07
Re: 10D. Represents a homophone for the first three letters of the answer (though with a different first letter).

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14th March 2020, 12:10
Thanks, lexawkward, for your hint , but I’m afraid it’s not enough for this bear of very little brain. Maybe another hint, but not too explicit!
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14th March 2020, 12:11
Son1ofrover1, probably a symbol for 8d, though there appear to be cariants. For 10d try saying the letter aloud.

Strictly speaking it's not possible to submit a correct solution since some symbols used by crossing answers are not exactly the same.
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14th March 2020, 12:19
Dylan the symbol used in 36a seems to have three different meanings in the grid, if I am correct.

I have a full grid but can't make head nor tail of 28a, a nudge would ve very welcome.
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14th March 2020, 12:22
Re my previous post, that should be 'variants'
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14th March 2020, 12:23

For 28a, think horoscopes.

I've got a full grid, but can't make any sense of 35d ("Clamour on earth involves Luxembourg").
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14th March 2020, 12:25
Planks, if you have a symbol in cell 28 from 25dn, you need to interpret it differently for 28ac.
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