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8th March 2020, 22:58
Hi brendan, 34d yes, wrist bones.
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8th March 2020, 23:05
Thanks Ginge.

I'm slowly grinding to a halt here. The preamble says the 2 letters missing from the lowest part of the void give a hint to the location - the trouble is my 2 lowest letters are NG, so either they're wrong or I'm missing the hint!
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8th March 2020, 23:10
Hi again brendan, it's not an abbreviation given in Chambers but National Gallery. I can help parse the others you mentioned if you don't want to persevere on your own.
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8th March 2020, 23:15
Thanks Ginge. I'm really enjoying this so I'll carry on.

I've noticed that the missing letters in the across clues are very similar to those in the down clues (there's 1 N fewer in the down clues) and they're an anagram.

I hope on the right track:-)
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8th March 2020, 23:58
OMG!!! That is pure genius.

The nickname of the person in the p......g is literally inside where it was found and when you replace the object in it's original place, it spells out the persons surname who took it - how could anyone construct this? It really is a thing of beauty.

I'm still not sure how 20a and 43a are parsed so any hints (strong ones) would be much appreciated.

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9th March 2020, 00:03
43a essex comes from sexes ...cycled ..the letters of sexes (male and female) move along to give essex
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9th March 2020, 00:14
Thanks Kirky.

For 20a I can see that "won" is an eastern currency but can't find where "well" = eddy.
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9th March 2020, 06:18
Brendan, your OMG post showed that you enjoyed this - I thought you would!

'Well' is listed under 'Eddy' in Bradford's crossword dictionary, so seems fine. I'd have to check my 'real' dictionaries for confirmation.
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9th March 2020, 06:28
Ginge, re the parsing of 27 D. Your reasoning sounds perfect - and it might even have been what I'd seen on Saturday when I did the puzzle! Last night I checked only the pluralisation of 'per' as that was troubling Brendan - and I wanted to get him away from thinking there were unparsed letters there.
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9th March 2020, 12:50
I’m joining in here very late becauseI thought this was a wonderful puzzle for which, for once, I needed no help. As with Pointer’s previous Ribblehead viaduct contribution it was a joy, for me.
I marvel at the ingenuity and dedication of all compilers, and very much enjoy the “friendship” on this a forum. Thank you ALL.
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