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8th March 2020, 22:15
I've hit a snag..

I had assumed that the the cells corresponding to the unparsed letters should be left blank. However, for 27d it looks like the letters with no wordplay are ONS - the problem is that these letters come after the final letter entered in the grid, so there are no cells to leave blank! Where have I gone wrong?
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8th March 2020, 22:25
Brendan, the cells corresponding to the unparsed letters are only blank temporarily - you move the other thing into that space, leaving a void elsewhere.

There are no letters from 27 D.
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8th March 2020, 22:30
Hi Malone,

I've checked Chambers and, assuming "ordinary" is represented by a single letter, "pers" is an abbr. for "person" singular, but the wordplay says "fellows" pl. - have I read it wrong?
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8th March 2020, 22:36
Brendan, my Chambers gives 'per = person', so pers/fellow/persons seems fine to me!
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8th March 2020, 22:37
… that should, of course have been pers/fellows/persons, all plural.
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8th March 2020, 22:41
Got it. Can I just check that the missing letters in 36a are IN and 33d are ANIG?

Also, does 34d begin with a T? The word I've got is the plural of a bone but the clue says "is called for" which suggests it's a homophone. To be honest, I can't make any sense of this clue, despite having 3 of the 5 letters. Is it one of the 'no wordplay' clues?

I haven't found the missing items yet so can't fill in the blanks!!
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8th March 2020, 22:46
34 Doesn't begin with T - play around with an island instead - where the 'priest' drops... I'm not sure of the 'is called for' bit - I ignored that!

Yes, you're right about the missing letters.
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8th March 2020, 22:50
Thanks Malone.

In addition to 34d, I'm also having trouble parsing 20a and 43a - I've got answers for both but the wordplay eludes me. I shall return:-)
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8th March 2020, 22:54
Me again!

Is 34d a wrist bone beginning with C?
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8th March 2020, 22:56
Hi brendan & malone, re parsing 27d. As it's boundary rather than boundaries of Edgbaston might it not be o + [(Edgbasto)n in peers].
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