That was a challenge...some of it clearly not intended! But it was an unusual sort of fun trying to solve it by presuming some things, and ignoring others--such as random brackets.
I submitted it anyway, but I've ended up with a couple of questions, one of which I see addressed here, but not the other.
At 24d, I never did locate a version with the word "longing" in it, and at the submission page, that clue still says "ready".
I filled in my guess by using the crossers. "Longing" would have made sense to me, but I don't know how "readies" would have helped any more than "ready" would have.
At 19a, the clue would have made sense to me if it had read "Note in cells". But to me, the way it reads seems to indicate that the letters either "te" or "et" should define or indicate "note", and I don't know how either of them would.
I ask especially because either of these questions might be related to conventions or rare definitions which I don't know. I like finding out about new conventions and definitions-- which I still am, even after decades of solving. This forum is such a good place to ask, because people on it know lots of things about lots of things!