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8th January 2020, 15:20
I think there must have been several versions of this puzzle on the website. The latest incarnation has removed the second clue for 29a. You would think the Guardian could do better as they have 4 weeks to prepare the copy. Anyway thanks to everybody for all the help provided on this site.
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8th January 2020, 18:21
Just to clarify the clue for 24d. I printed off at 6.30 a.m. UK time on Monday which had the clue "Head office longing to rise". It was only from this site that I learned of the revised version (which doesn't actually alter the answer). There were other random glitches with the original online version, not to mention the fact that it printed out on 2 pages so I was doing the snipping and sticking to make it go on to a single sheet of A4 - as others have said, it would be good if the Guardian could get its act together regarding crosswords!
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8th January 2020, 21:21
I think "longing" makes the three letter word easier to find than "ready" as I don't normally associate that with money/currency. "Readies" yes, "the ready" perhaps but "ready" by itself, no. Anyway all a bit irrelevant now.
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9th January 2020, 16:21
I was also very confused by the "head office" clue, and found both versions. The longing version was easy, the other, which I worried over for some time, not so.
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10th January 2020, 09:22
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10th January 2020, 23:03
That was a challenge...some of it clearly not intended! But it was an unusual sort of fun trying to solve it by presuming some things, and ignoring others--such as random brackets.

I submitted it anyway, but I've ended up with a couple of questions, one of which I see addressed here, but not the other.

At 24d, I never did locate a version with the word "longing" in it, and at the submission page, that clue still says "ready".
I filled in my guess by using the crossers. "Longing" would have made sense to me, but I don't know how "readies" would have helped any more than "ready" would have.

At 19a, the clue would have made sense to me if it had read "Note in cells". But to me, the way it reads seems to indicate that the letters either "te" or "et" should define or indicate "note", and I don't know how either of them would.

I ask especially because either of these questions might be related to conventions or rare definitions which I don't know. I like finding out about new conventions and definitions-- which I still am, even after decades of solving. This forum is such a good place to ask, because people on it know lots of things about lots of things!
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10th January 2020, 23:44
dove - ready is a fairly standard crossword synonym for cash. te is one of the scale notes (as in doh-re-mi ... as oppposed to doe-ray-me)
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10th January 2020, 23:58
re 19a. Chambers has "te" as an alternative spelling for "ti" in Do Re Mi, etc
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11th January 2020, 02:11
Thanks so much both of you. I didn't manage to connect ready or readies with a foreign currency, And I thought te might be ti, except I've never seen that--and didn't bother to look it up--especially since by that point, I'd already encountered things like 5d, and figured it might be an error, as opposed to an alternative spelling!
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13th January 2020, 13:09
I've only got one left..

11 Business in Gulf brings in millions (5)

I've got G?I?G

Is this one of the normal clues ?
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