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20th October 2019, 20:44
Matatdor, Ladies, the loo, the toilet, the …. and stick in your L.
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20th October 2019, 20:47
Hi Elle, and Matador. I know you come from New Zealand Matador so perhaps 'Bog' is not a term used there as slang for 'toilet/ladies'.

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20th October 2019, 20:50
Actually, Brendan it’s Welsh for little hence an endearing term for little one.
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20th October 2019, 20:56
Hi Cymro, I'm sure you're right. I just went by Chambers and the Free online dictionary where 'bach' is given as:-

bach (bax; bɑːk)
Welsh a term of friendly address: used esp after a person's name

and Chambers gives it as:- Welsh "affectionate term of address"
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20th October 2019, 20:58
PS. Given your username Cymro, can we assume you are Welsh? :-)
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20th October 2019, 22:10
Thanks all. Can’t blame my nationality for missing that one sadly.
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20th October 2019, 23:16
^^^^ bumping above the spam ^^^^
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21st October 2019, 06:59
Thanks, Matador - I've always hated the word 'bog' (used in that sense)!
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21st October 2019, 10:48
Good morning solvers

I was away yesterday, but have now completed Sunday's Everyman.
All the clues were perfectly parsed and I see no reason why some people are saying the setter is incorrect.
All the anagram indicators are in common use and approved by Chambers . I did spot the misprint but this is no fault of the setter, just an error by the paper. All in all, I enjoyed this puzzle. Thank you Everyman
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21st October 2019, 10:50
Well said, Cerasus!
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