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29th July 2019, 13:50
Indeed, turast!

goshawk, each clue is entered in two directions, down and either left or right. The first direction can be across or down. Once a clue has gone either left or right, it cannot then make two turns and start going back on itself. In other words all lateral moves must be in the same direction. The lengths of each leg can vary. So a clue could be S-W-S-W, E-S-E, W-S, S-E-S, S-E but never E-S-W
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29th July 2019, 15:20
Ah. Many thanks quisling. That’s very clear unlike the preamble. I can now attempt to proceed. Why the preamble couldn’t be more specific I don’t know or maybe I’m asking for too much! Anyway thanks again
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29th July 2019, 17:54
Started this late last night after a wedding and hangover, so I am a little behind everyone else. I have virtually everything done except 2 and 13, and I cannot see the wordplay for12 and17. Can anyone help?
It took ages to understand 22, and I suppose 2 will be the same, but I can’t get the first letter. As for the 9 cells with missing letters, I have them all, but only 14 of the answers, and for the segments, I haven’t a clue where to start looking.
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29th July 2019, 19:19
Xij, 2 is one of the special clues - BRACKE(N) + (Father) TED.
13 is FAR(C)E.
I am surprised by the lack of anagrams in this puzzle which is one of the reasons it was so difficult

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29th July 2019, 19:57
Thanks unclued. I agree with you on the anagram front. They’re normally my forte. Any ideas on the wordplay for 12 and 17?
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29th July 2019, 20:09
I am really struggling with this puzzle. Could anyone provide hints for 4 and 33.
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29th July 2019, 20:19
For 12, miss out A and cycle LICIT.
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29th July 2019, 20:22
In 17 take RIP out of SCRIPT - E unclued.
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29th July 2019, 20:23
4 is AS LEVEL and 33 was one I struggled with - miss X from In Essex!
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29th July 2019, 21:04
Thank you Unclued
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