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1st August 2019, 19:48
Thanks for that, Merenz.

Initially I just used 9 letters and connected from top left the diagonal to 48, and lines from C in line 4 (Col. 4) to the letters in a wavy-ish outline to (hopefully) represent the object. The outcome was a bit odd, really.

I then did another to represent the "action" (rather than object) and that seemed to show the movement described.

I'll spin a coin...
I do know that, whichever I choose, it will be the wrong one...

Many thanks.
121 of 127  -   Report This Post


2nd August 2019, 13:45
I don't suppose anyone is still visiting this thread however, I will ask anyway. I CANNOT enter 46 and 47 symmetrically. If I do, there is a T as first letter of bottom row from 46 which I do not want! Not to go into the bottom row requires a change of direction. - not allowed. Then, if I do the same with 48, ie do not go into the bottom row with 47 but change direction the result is a clash S/H and too many empty cells in the bottom row. What am I missing?
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2nd August 2019, 14:16
Thanks Murky
Such help is appreciated. However, having looked at the other comments on the thread I've decided it will beyond me. If you're a Cardiff Rugby Supporter you do know a losing cause when you see one.
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2nd August 2019, 14:40
essira - At this stage (the initial grid-fill) you do want a T in that corner.
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2nd August 2019, 15:04
Thank you drxx. Oh dear, that means I must not give up!!!
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2nd August 2019, 15:10
That will teach me to get ahead of myself - I knew what the bottom row should be! Stick to the instructions!
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2nd August 2019, 16:01
I had a similar moment of doubt, essira (and would happily have thrown in the towel rather than start again).
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