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29th July 2019, 04:38
Apologies to all for my very inept parsing of clue 1
It should have been
DEFINITION = Girona town
WORDPLAY = 3 letter word meaning TORE (as in went fast) included in THE LOCAL = LA (definite article in Spanish) + 2 letter abbreviation for Football Club
I hope the end result (i.e. the solution) was not made too inaccessible by my blundering attempt to enlighten. Thank you to those who so precisely pointed out my clumsy inattention to detail.
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29th July 2019, 04:41
Sorry, even that explanation failed to point out that one of the two identical consonants at the start was unclued. Just google Girona and find a decent map.
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29th July 2019, 10:28
I think I've finally completed this puzzle, but still have a few concerns
1. Should I end up with 2 empty cells, thus spreading out the author's initials?
2. Fairly sure I have the correct 4 letter word, but when I change it, I only seem to alter 37, 45 & 46. What is the 4th altered entry?
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29th July 2019, 10:52
1) yes
2) you should also alter 29 if you have the right word
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29th July 2019, 11:34
One slight flaw I found in the puzzle and which no-one appears to have mentioned is that in clue order the unclued letters do not correctly spell out the instruction. One letter is misplaced!
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29th July 2019, 12:43
Really struggling with this one. At first I thought ‘zigzag’ meant proceed from cell to cell going down one diagonally to cell SW or SE of previous cell. That seems the most literal interpretation of the preamble. But it was soon evident this didn’t work for the answers I’d solved.
Next thought ‘zigzag’ meant one cell to left or right then one down then next cell to left or right and so on.
Now I’m not sure of that and suspect ‘zigzag’ means wander around anyhow as long as you don’t go upwards.
This really is the most imprecise start to a preamble I’ve seen in the Listener.
Any guidance from those well past my uncertainty would be most welcome.
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29th July 2019, 12:57
I wouldn't get too hung up on the preamble, Stacpolly. Basically, you can start sideways in either direction or go down from the off. Further changes of direction can occur, either down or sideways. As examples, 25 goes west then down while 19 goes down, then west, then down again. It's by no means easy and the bottom line will help through Google, Google images & Wiki.
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29th July 2019, 13:08
Many thanks, Caphrist.
I guess my last interpretation was right then....that is you can enter your answers into adjacent cells to the left, to the right or downwards but not upwards. The use of the word 'zigzag' was therefore most misleading and very non-Art Deco!
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29th July 2019, 13:34
Hi all. I’m back trying to solve the listener after a break from it. Guess I’ve chosen the wrong one to ‘kickstart’ my solving. Can someone confirm whether or not an entry can be entered by directly going downwards from its initial cell or does it have to start in a left or right direction before going down. If it’s the latter then I’m done with it as for me that won’t work. Very ambiguous opening sentence to the preamble. Thanks
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29th July 2019, 13:39
Thank you Quisling
GLIT & RUD don't come up every day, do they?
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