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16th July 2019, 00:01
Welcome to Clueless, our informal weekly clue-setting competition.

The challenge is to compose a cryptic clue to a given word or phrase.

The winner of the previous week's competition both sets the word to be clued and judges the entries for the current week.

The judge's decision is final and reasons may or may not be given at the judge's discretion. It is customary for the judge to award a virtual prize to the winner.

Multiple entries may be submitted and new competitors are particularly welcome.

Clues should be submitted by 18:00 BST on Wednesday, 17th July, with the winner to be announced shortly after.

The answer to be clued is:

DUST (4)

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16th July 2019, 01:37
Lead us to subsumption, our beginning and end (4)
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16th July 2019, 01:44
Dead, we compost eventually in the dirt (4)
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16th July 2019, 06:18
Part of adobe Indian houses? (4)
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16th July 2019, 08:08
Slag the most stupid American bereft of honour (4)
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16th July 2019, 09:27
Mattrom @4 - you're being too clever for me! Could you give me some help here please?

Ginge @5 - I can get to the answer but only with clunky parsing, which isn't like you - therefore I suspect I'm not doing it right. Could you show your workings please?
6 of 89  -   Report This Post


16th July 2019, 09:36
Mattrom @4 - Hindustani, right?
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16th July 2019, 09:36
Some industrial waste (4)
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16th July 2019, 09:40
Clean inside industriously (4)
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16th July 2019, 09:43
So mote it be (4)
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