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8th April 2019, 14:25
Yes, the answer begins MAS, although apart from the issue with the checked letters the alternative (which I hadn't previously considered) beginning MIS would be viable. The inclusion of the word 'rarely' does tend to suggest the former solution rather than the latter.
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8th April 2019, 14:53
Can't see the gap in 25a and 2d. For 31a I have NO?ADE but can't complete it. These three apart I've finished!
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8th April 2019, 15:06
Think I’ve spotted my errors .....! Sorry
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8th April 2019, 15:17
Sam - 25a is maid/s and 2d is fi/ling (the 'secretary' here is for the benefit of the devilled rather than the rather lyrical undevilled version). In 31a you need to remove the space in 'a demise' and put your NO?ADE word in the de/mise gap (the word 'demise' reappears in the undevilled version). Hope that helps.
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8th April 2019, 16:04
Making progress except for N.W corner. Totally stumped by 1a - presumably a straight cryptic clue...? Any hints?
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8th April 2019, 16:08
It's not cryptic, simply a definition of the word for which competitors must produce a Printer's Devilry clue to 'complete the set' of PD clues. The word is derived from, and starts with, a common three-letter word meaning 'an age' or 'a main division of geological time'.
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8th April 2019, 16:23
Looking forward to creating mine in due course!!
Can 12am’s be ‘an ext......’ problem - in which case I have a fit - or can it not just be added at the end ?
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8th April 2019, 16:28
Not quite sure I understand the question, but it's 'an ex??? ???t problem'.
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8th April 2019, 16:28
Russellisaac, the gap comes between 'x' and 't'.
I'm stuck on 19a - please could someone tell me where the gap is. Thanks
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8th April 2019, 16:29
19: judg/e
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