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8th April 2019, 10:23
Russellisaac - you're welcome. Just to be clear, the word to be inserted into the 'devilled' clue and entered in the grid bears no relationship to the sense of the clue itself ('devilled' or 'undevilled'), but the words that Azed uses in the clue are deliberately chosen to assist solvers (otherwise the thing would be darn near impossible!).

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8th April 2019, 11:10
peterm - I don't see how critici/se in 34 can work. Given the three checked letters at the end of the grid entry this would produce the sequence ERSSE in the undevilled version, with the only possible division, between ERS and SE, being forbidden.
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8th April 2019, 11:28
I don't have the crossword with me at the moment and I can't check again till tonight, but by my reckoning, it would produce -erse in the undevilled version, assuming we've got the same word, of course.
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8th April 2019, 11:35
Regards Caligula, I’d end up with the word RACONS then - not really a proper word?!
But I’m making sense of it now in other areas. Thanks
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8th April 2019, 11:36
Regards Caligula, I’d end up with the word RACONS then - not really a proper word?!
But I’m making sense of it now in other areas. Thanks
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8th April 2019, 11:40
checking through the gap in 4d isn't clear although I have the word - anybody see it?
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8th April 2019, 11:46
aspria - over/tones, add another space and an apostrophe.
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8th April 2019, 11:51
Russellisaac - anything in Chambers (including RACONS) is 'fair game'. Glad to hear that you're making progress - PD puzzles are tricky even for those who have dealt with them many times before.
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8th April 2019, 13:12
I guess we don’t put our answers on here - but I have 32a ending ‘ing’ and 34a starting ‘mis’ - both seem completely correct - but that makes 14d end ‘ii’ - surely not?!
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8th April 2019, 13:43
Russellisaac, 34a the first vowel is 'a', not 'i'.
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