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7th April 2019, 09:55
Anyone made any sense of the Special Instructions? Can you explain to me in simple terms, please?
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7th April 2019, 10:37
Have you read Azed's instructions directly beneath the grid? You have to find a single word or phrase which will fit into a gap in the clue. The problem is finding where the gap is and then a word or phrase that will fit that gap.
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7th April 2019, 10:53
Hi Liz,
Printer's Devilry clues do not have a definition. The idea is to reconstruct the clue so that it makes sense. I'd suggest 17a as a starter.
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7th April 2019, 11:01
Hi Liz, this is beyond my ken but the following site appears to explain PD clues very well and gives some examples:-
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7th April 2019, 11:34
Thanks for all your help! Not a form I'd come across before, but I'll give it a go.
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7th April 2019, 18:15
Do the answers have any theme? If there’s no clue as to the solution in the clue, how do you even get started?!?!
I’m lost!
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7th April 2019, 19:08
The main things to keep in mind are (a) that the undevilled (complete) version is intended to be as helpful as possible to solvers, and (b) that the required word is always missing from within a word in the clue (eg 'tout' could have come from TEASE OUT [the answer being EASE] but not PLANT OUT [PLAN] or MILK STOUT [MILKS] because the sequence TOUT is still intact). Also remember than punctuation should be ignored.

Some clues will be easier than others.- in 23dn ("It's said an emperor chose his horse, foul") the reference is to Caligula (the break being at fo/ul), while in 26ac ("If I lope, regularly for wild-life programmes") the 'lope' should help in the context of wild-life, and when "If I lope" becomes "I fil/ope" it becomes clear that "I" am taking footage of horned ruminants...

That said, it's the sort of puzzle that needs to be chipped away at, and you need to ask yourself "Why has Azed included this word or that word", because everything is there for a reason.

I'll be happy to indicate on request where the break occurs in any particular clue.
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7th April 2019, 22:10
I'd welcome the location of the breaks in 9 and 34 - my last two.
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7th April 2019, 22:16
9: ho/t
34: criticis/e
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7th April 2019, 22:38
Thanks, jacknatter
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