Unclued, I think the use of 'has' means that SALSAS acquires N for L; otherwise, if it was the instruments that we were looking for, the order would need to be reversed and use 'have'.
I'm finding this puzzle an absolute cow. Unless you know the theme (some do, not I) you surely have no hope, as the jumbles can't be resolved until you know what's in Rings 1 and 3. Even putting in the 'normal' entries is risky in those cases where the shared letters might be a jumble for either of two.
I still have no idea about 2, 10, 16, 20 and 23 - and that's just the RH side, but at least I might have a chance if I could crack that. Help welcomed. Can offer help with others, but looking through this thread it seems the ones I did get were the ones that others struggled with.
So that means my impasses are the easy ones ...?