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5th August 2018, 19:00
Foinaven 48 is a word meaning annoying minus the first letter and minus a 2 letter word for a nut in printing...means joining
81 of 153  -   Report This Post


5th August 2018, 19:01
i would appreciate a hint at my last 3 clues.... 8,19,22
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5th August 2018, 19:02
Re 48
Take a 9 letter word meaning really annoying and remove the first letter and 'en' (for 'nut').
83 of 153  -   Report This Post


5th August 2018, 19:06

8 Something soldiers do. 'ut' is Latin for 'as'
22 usual single letter for cold, french for outside containing middle letter of fleet gives trucks ( not lorries)
19 I have an answer but can't remember why :-(

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5th August 2018, 19:12
Thx lilith.....i knew ut for as but still couldn't work it out!
If you are still stuck on 14...Split as in the city..its location around u and minus an.
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5th August 2018, 19:20
Doh! Thank you.
Re 19 fey is doomed and comes after a 4 letter word for stupid person ( mainly American?) Whole thing means albatross.
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5th August 2018, 19:22
Marvellous! thx....just got those annoying Rings 1&3 to sort out now!
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5th August 2018, 21:10
26 is my least favourite type of clue. Surely both SALSAS and SANSAS can be justified? Which is correct? Thanks.
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5th August 2018, 21:33
I do not agree, unclued. The wordplay (90 instead of 50) clearly indicates the to replace L with N.
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5th August 2018, 21:36
Unclued, I think the use of 'has' means that SALSAS acquires N for L; otherwise, if it was the instruments that we were looking for, the order would need to be reversed and use 'have'.

I'm finding this puzzle an absolute cow. Unless you know the theme (some do, not I) you surely have no hope, as the jumbles can't be resolved until you know what's in Rings 1 and 3. Even putting in the 'normal' entries is risky in those cases where the shared letters might be a jumble for either of two.

I still have no idea about 2, 10, 16, 20 and 23 - and that's just the RH side, but at least I might have a chance if I could crack that. Help welcomed. Can offer help with others, but looking through this thread it seems the ones I did get were the ones that others struggled with.

So that means my impasses are the easy ones ...?
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