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5th August 2018, 15:44
Cockie, 21-24 were my last solves. Here we go For 9, if you have Bradfords, look at Festival
For 21, one of the high's is an anagram indicator For 23, think pub for bar For 24, it is a common material, beginning with an alternative for re
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5th August 2018, 15:46
Of those only 21 touches a 2 word entry in ring 1 Cockie - I could be wrong but I think 9 was mentioned earlier in this thread giving the answer. Yes the dividing letters do spell something though I can't say I found it terribly useful or convincing but I gave up Googling at that point!
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5th August 2018, 15:46
Thanks very much Tonynannini, S-pugh and all. I will struggle on !
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5th August 2018, 16:26
Cockie, the gaps between the items in Ring 3 all occur in unjumbled radial entries, so there should be no ambiguity
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5th August 2018, 17:05
It was hard work, but now I have everything but 40 with one letter missing. No answer seems very plausible.
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5th August 2018, 17:46
Hi again,
Could somebody offer hints for our last two at 14 and 48 ? We have ring 5 and the central four letters and we're assuming that it's as 'simple' as finding the sort of entities in ring one that would protect those in ring three. The comments here are not inspiring us to spend much longer staring and so it may be time to gracefully admit defeat.

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5th August 2018, 17:49

Re 40 a three letter word for 'commit to paper' and a typical crossword word for 'whole' will give you a task.

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5th August 2018, 18:41
Puzzle complete. However, I still don’t know what 9 has to do with a festival. I’ve looked at the lists of festivals in Bradford’s and still none the wiser. My answer to the clue starts with L, so that the correct entity is in Ring 1. For piece of mind I’d like to understand the festival!
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5th August 2018, 18:48
I think it's just a double definition. One of two three letter words. Chambers has the hyphenated form as a festivity. My copy of Bradford's also lists it under festival/festivity.
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5th August 2018, 18:49
Thanks for that, but actually 40 was a typo. The clue I had not solved is 48 and a hint would be appreciated there.
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