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4th August 2018, 06:25
Another tough one, with not much help from one entry to the next. I have about 15 solutions so far, so I'm not sure where to start with asking for assistance. Perhaps 19, 35 and 37 would be especially helpful, thanks.
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4th August 2018, 07:07
I would like help with this clue:

17 Without beginning to spoil, take fish (undersized if male?) (6)
Contains the letters ANGLE?

For 19 the last word of the clue is the definition
For 35 you want a Scottish word for ears
For 37 the definition is the first two words of the clue
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4th August 2018, 07:25
Bananabean, for 17 simply add the normal letter used for "take" to those you already have.
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4th August 2018, 07:37
Thanks, Gitto. Quite obvious, wasn't it?
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4th August 2018, 08:48
How does “one slavishly” fit into the wordplay for 3? I think the answer is DECREE. E+RC (rev) + E but I don’t see the ED bit.
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4th August 2018, 09:14
Decree will not fit with the (my) answer for clue 4. I have a number of answers that do not seem to fully parse correctly, but I'm happy with what I have at 4.
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4th August 2018, 10:52

I am finding this a struggle - only 12 solved so far - but I think I’ve got 3 and 4, fitting nicely together. For 3 the definition is the first three words, then we have eastern (one letter), China (2), over, emperor’s first, rule (1 each).
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4th August 2018, 11:23
Thanks Bananabean, Gitto and Unclued, with your help I'm nibbling away. I'd value a tip about 18 and 46, thanks
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4th August 2018, 11:50
Hi Dylan, I haven't got 18, the first 5 words of 46 give the definition with the ending the normal single letter answers for good and base. The trouble I am finding with this damn thing is manifest. Mainly, you cannot enter most answers, I've not found any adjacent radial clues that go in and out, all those seem to be adjacent to jumbles, the letters I have in the rings do not seem to make sense which in turn is compounding the difficulty in entering the answers I have. I have now (mainly) cold solved 29 clues and am still clueless. I only have 2 of the 7 letter answers, and one of those confused me for a while as his apparently more famous (or popular on google search) was an Italian! Hopefully a few hours respite and a good result at Deepdale will inspire me later on.
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4th August 2018, 11:53
Add Father after famous in my previous post.
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