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5th August 2018, 06:09
Sunray, Your souses is correct, for 33, take the B off the word for ruddy women, and the advice from S-pugh will resolve 43.
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5th August 2018, 08:12
S_pugh, For the second perimeter entry I have a five-letter name. It is mostly a familiar female name with the last vowel changed to another vowel. I agree it is very obscure. I discounted four of the possible permutations that had a succession of vowels, then tried the remaining ones on Google, eventually finding one of them buried in some arcane texts.
I cannot confirm it in any standard reference (Britannica, Brewer's, etc) so I think it's a tad unfair. Perhaps it's in some comprehensive anthology of foreign literature, but I don't know how anyone would track down the item without the internet.
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5th August 2018, 09:50
Thanks for the confirmation Dryden, that sounds like we have the same name. it is hard to find much justification for it even via Google other than a vague text on Spanish literature where it is mentioned as the pseudonym of some 18c Augustinian priest cum poet which he had based on a thematic entity - so it sounds like we went down the exact same route.

If we are correct then I agree that it is rather more than a tad unfair.
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5th August 2018, 09:52
Still struggling. I have 4 missing answers. 5, 39, 41,48 and no idea how to enter answers apart from the 7 letter answers.
Could someone please give me a push in the right direction?
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5th August 2018, 10:00
I'm also struggling on this one. Could someone kindly give the clue numbers for the 7 letter answers. I have only one (i.e clue number 1)
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5th August 2018, 10:01
The 7 letter answers are 1, 20, 25 and 42, I think.
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5th August 2018, 10:16
TonyNannini - it sounds like you have already cold solved the majority. I don't know if it helps but I found it easiest to create a flat 7 by 48 grid for working on. Remember that crucially no two adjacent entries can be of the same entry type. If you check which letters are shared by each of the pairs you should be able to determine how some of the entries are entered; plus if you consider the letters shared by the quadruples it should be fairly easy to see which is the shared 6th letter. The majority of entries are in fact of the jumbled variety, with slightly less entered inward, and a lot less than that entered outwards. Once you start putting pen to paper in this way hopefully you may start to see things appearing, like the 5th ring, and once you have an idea of the rings it should help back fill any missing radials.

Hope this helps.
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5th August 2018, 10:24
Is it really Augustinian - not a typo for Augustan?
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5th August 2018, 10:25
Phew. Thanks for that, s_pugh. I think that this one has defeated me. Even if I manage to cold solve the final 4, I don't think I have the will to do the rest. But thanks anyway.
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5th August 2018, 10:26
S_pugh, what a neat idea. I wish I'd thought of that. I much prefer to work on the computer on a grid created with Sympathy, but it won't handle circular grids.
I shall bear that in mind for next time, but it's my fervent hope that we won't have another circular puzzle this year.
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