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5th August 2018, 14:15
I'm still stuck on a good few clues. would very much appreciate some hints for:
30 sponge in the sticks absorbing cold water - prep fpr one.
34 Touchy, losing it and not finishing regressive legal sites.
41 Puts in pit revolutionary leader of insurgents - nothing less.
And is the definition for 7 (Line behind fish etc.) tail fin ?
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5th August 2018, 14:39
Samovar. 7 yes. 30. Prep for one is the definition. Easy answer , but obscure wordplay. 34. Obscure answer obtained by reversing a word for touchy and making the 2 removals in the clue. I don't have 41 either. Hope that helps.
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5th August 2018, 14:41
Sorry , Samovar. For 7 the definition is just fin. Tail is part of the word play.
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5th August 2018, 14:44
If anyone could help with 5, 39 and 41, I can at least finish my cold solve.
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5th August 2018, 14:44
41 is just a straight anagram (revolutionary is the indicator), leader of insurgents + nothing + less
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5th August 2018, 14:48
5 is 4 letter word for soul plus latin abbreviation for in this sense
39 is well obscure - def is first two words - think short Scottish word for beloved and put indicator for half in front - then reverse the whole thing
41 as above
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5th August 2018, 15:09
In 41 wouldn’t the plural of silo be silos. I can’t find siloes in Chambers.
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5th August 2018, 15:12
Unclued, I think it's Siloes as a verb - and that's in Chambers.
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5th August 2018, 15:16
Yes it refers to soloed. There isn’t a direct reference to siloes but I suppose it’s OK. Using the search facility on the Chambers app gives no hits for IOLESS.
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5th August 2018, 15:31
Coming in late to this one. I have pretty much all of it except for 9, 21, 23 and 24, which makes the SSE bit rather tricky. Is one of the 2 word entries in Ring 1 there? I'm assuming the letters dividing the inhabitants of Ring 3 spell something useful, otherwise I can't resolve 30. Help would be appreciated - and that's before I struggle with the second of the Ring 1 types - "help" earlier in this forum isn't!
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