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8th August 2018, 21:51
27 to 30 is a shepherd from the bible.
Other entities are 31 to 37, 38 to 42 and 43 to 48.
Good luck!
141 of 153  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 21:54
Trebor, if you have an iPad the Advanced Crossword Solver is superb.
Old books of Listener crosswords are still available from Amazon I think. If you join the Times Crossword Club you will have access to hundreds of old Listeners - enough to keep you going for many years!
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8th August 2018, 22:45
I use a variety of tools very badly on an IPhone. They are all free. They are just called crossword solver and anagram solver. They can lack content so I also use and andy’s anagram solver on the web. No doubt there are better tools out there but I hate putting my bank details or signing up to things. I have a new Bradford’s but am still waiting for a chambers gift. For some reason I can’t just buy one for myself!
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8th August 2018, 22:48
I also tried to get a listener book from amazon but the item remains out of stock or very expensive......I have heard a train tracks one is coming out soon though ha ha.
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8th August 2018, 22:56
Trebor1. You can buy compendiums of Listener crosswords on Amazon. Unused copies go for silly amounts - up to £400. I managed to get a second hand copy for 69p which was completely unfilled and pristine when it arrived. I guess most people who purchase these rarely go further than the first puzzle. Worth a punt.
The Times on line subscription is £6 per month and gives access to the Times crossword club with the ability to download as many archived Listeners as you could ever want.

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9th August 2018, 08:17
Thank you again for all contributions and with this help I have completed the grid etc. One final question from me is how to parse 44 (John Rutherford and Son - literary louts.)
Wrt earlier comments about using the internet, Google and various on-line tools the Listener would be out of reach for me without these. I do not speak German, have only a passing knowledge of Bach and Shakespeare and if I had to "brute force" solve every anagram I would rarely solve more than a few clues. I wonder, also, if compilers increase the difficulty knowing that these tools are widely available.
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9th August 2018, 09:12
Catki - John - think toilet. Rutherford is a unit of radioactive decay - shortform rd. Son=S. A Spenserian word for louts.
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9th August 2018, 09:14
Sorry Catkin - your N disappeared upon posting!
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9th August 2018, 10:41
Of course! Thank you, smartie.
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9th August 2018, 12:55
Hello all, thanks for the Scottish word link, it helped me with the corn ears, but I'm still missing 32 and the shepherd it feeds into. Any pointers would be appreciated.
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