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8th August 2018, 10:54
Only just completed the crossword. I think it is all ok, but if the name of the first genetically cloned sheep is the answer to one of the breeds of sheep, I feel that was a bit unfair. Thanks for the conversation about Scottish words. I found that very enlightening as I often have a difficulty with the aforementioned.
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8th August 2018, 12:48
I’m keen to do a bit of research into the Doras (clue 7) the strange fish that can walk in times of drought! Amazing what hides in the pages of Chambers........I shall keep my eye open for a Doras striding down the high street if we don’t get rain soon!
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8th August 2018, 13:22
I’m seriously chuffed with myself for completing this week’s listener not least because this is the first time apprentice has beaten master to it (“hi mum”). I agree that it was a bit of a stinker, certainly compared to the handful of listeners I have completed in the past, but I enjoyed it. It would have been impossible though without the perfectly pitched tips and hints on here, so I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to you all.
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8th August 2018, 13:39
Unclued - Yes there are some strange creatures out there...I know the Austalian authorities are vigilent to stop the arrival of the aggresive Asian climbing perch on the mainland. Walks on land and survives 6 days out of water (has rudimentary lungs).
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8th August 2018, 13:40
Thanks meursault. I have had a look and it would have been very useful. I have bookmarked the site for next time.
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8th August 2018, 18:22
Evening. Sorry for drifting off topic, but would be grateful for a response to some hopefully straightforward enquiries:
1) what is the most robust online anagram solver (whilst I regularly complete the listener and IQ, I have not once submitted them to win a prize, so any cheating will have no adverse consequences for anyone else!)
2) is there a way to access historical listener puzzles, perhaps a "greatest hits" archive book? Perfectly prepared to pay.

Thanks in advance!
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8th August 2018, 19:31
Wow this is tough. Thanks for all the help. Best advice for me was to make a 48x7 grid and mark what you can. Note where you must have a jumble and know it’s neighbour must be entered either in or out. Disappointed in Bradford’s for some of the clues and the rings but sense that is harsh!
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8th August 2018, 20:46
Hi Trebor1.
Anagram solvers. Chambers is good but doesn't always match TCD hardcopy :
If Chambers doesn't have an answer, and you're convinced there is one, try this :
For multi-word answers, try this :

The people most outspoken about cheating may also themselves be cheats. If you want to submit your entries you should go ahead.

A list of Listener puzzles here :
I'm by no means the best person to answer this question. Maybe you could send an enquiry to the address published next to the puzzle...
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8th August 2018, 21:08
Going to need some help here. In ring one, I have the entities up to 27. Where do the rest start after that? If you could explain 29 and 30 that might then fill enough gaps for me to complete the rest. Thanks.
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8th August 2018, 21:47
rrobbo - 29 is ESTO + an abbreviation
30 is shool including an abbreviation.
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