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13th March 2018, 18:57
Hello everyone. Thanks for the various hints on this one. Perhaps someone can help me get my last one - 35d This is Lemnos, of which we find Greek mu silent (5).

I make this a PD clue and think that I have the correct letters 2-5. This gives me two possible entries, according to TCD. Can anyone help me with the location of the gap please?
71 of 80  -   Report This Post


13th March 2018, 19:26
Hi, it goes after the 'i' in silent.
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13th March 2018, 19:32
Many thanks! for some reason I had concentrated my search on the line seems so obvious now.
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13th March 2018, 19:38
They always do, sadly. I'd like to echo your thanks to everyone here. Without the hints I would probably still be trawling through TCD clue by clue
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13th March 2018, 19:40
I'm almost there but the bottom left corner is causing me problems. Getting 22d would help: "Two seconds remaining, making lass uneasy (8)", which I think becomes "less uneasy". Thanks.
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13th March 2018, 19:50
Orson - two seconds - S and MO - remaining - OTHER. Your letter change is good.
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13th March 2018, 19:53
Thanks, smartie!
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14th March 2018, 22:38
Like everyone else I initially groaned on opening the paper on Saturday, and couldn’t face even starting until yesterday. But now pleased I did, thought that was pretty good, not too impenetrable and moderately enjoyable. Not a fan of the pd, but if it’s once a year I can live with it. Particularly enjoyed 13, 16, 28 and 2.
78 of 80  -   Report This Post


16th March 2018, 10:01
A bit late in the day for this one but I have been trying to solve this puzzle intermittently and am nearly there. I am stuck on the top right corner and cannot proceed further. Having come this far I would be grateful if some kind soul could give me a hint on the following clues: 15A, 10D, 23A. I am certain the latter is a PD type clue. I have the corrected letter message and the hidden six devils but despite this cannot fill the grid! I am not a fan of this PD format!
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16th March 2018, 11:59

15a sounds like a cat- Rex is the cat- your answer sounds like that- think parks

10d it is one of France's cities- not cuties- in the North quite well known- preceded by LA

23a PD clue is broken at a par...........Tely

First letter of grid entry is c.

Think about what deliverymen/postmen deliver- this makes the sentence complete.
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